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Iran's Agriculture Industry

Iran’s Agriculture Industry

This Expo Insightry report provides a snapshot of Iran’s Agriculture in four sections:

Section One – Iran Macroeconomy at a Glance

  • Iran’s GDP composition shifted in 2011-2022: Services surged (CAGR 4%), Agriculture held steady (2%), Industries dipped (1%), while Oil & Gas contracted (-1%)

Section Two – Agriculture Figures

  • Agriculture sector employs 15% of total employment in Iran in 2022, and produces 6% of Iran’s GDP
  • This report reviews Iran’s agriculture in three main categories: Vegetable Products, Live Animals and Products, and Wood
  • The vegetable group includes all growing materials and is classified into three sub-sections: farm, garden, and greenhouse products
  • The top major products of farm agriculture are cereal, industrial products, vegetables, kitchen garden, and fodder plants
  • This report analyses the animal products in four sub-sectors: 1- Chicken, 2- Cow, Calf, Buffalo, 3- Goat, Lamb, and 4- Fish, Shrimp
  • Industrial and local cattle have the main role of providing milk and red meat with 96% and 54% share of total production
  • Non-meat production dominates animal protein production, with milk (Milk) leading at 11 million tons
  • Iran’s chicken industry with 2.6 million ton of production in 2022, seems to be running at half of its capacity
  • While forests cover 7% of Iran’s area, reportedly forest per capita in Iran (0.2) is a quarter of the same indicator in the world

Section Three – Agriculture Exports

  • Iran’s export volume in agriculture is rising with +5% CAGR, while the value of exports has fallen in the same period with -1% CAGR
  • Neighboring countries are leading destinations for agricultural exports with more than 50% of the total value and 80% of the total volume of export

Section Four – Agriculture Top Players

  • According to IMI-500 (2022 version) the following four are the top players in the agriculture industry: Sepid Makian Company, FKA Company, Goldasht Nemooneh Isfahan Company, and Mallard Shir Company

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